Here are answers to questions that we are often asked about our program.
Q: If I would like to visit the school, should I call to make an appointment?
A: Yes, please do! We want to make sure that we can set aside time to give you a tour,
and try to arrange a visit during the times when will be able to best see the Montessori classroom in action.
Most parents find it easier to observe the program if they do not bring their child for this first visit.
If you decide you are interested in enrolling we will schedule a time for your child to spend some time in the classroom before his/her first day.
If you need to bring your child with you during your initial tour, of course s/he is welcome.
Q: This is my first time looking at a Montessori school. Can you tell me what Montessori is all about? A: With pleasure! You can read about Dr. Maria Montessori, and all about the Montessori Method on our The Montessori Method page.
Q: Aren't Montessori schools all the same, like a chain? A:A: Montessori is a philosophy of education based on the discoveries Dr. Maria Montessori made about how children actually learn. While many Montessori schools belong to associations dedicated to furthering the understanding and implementation of Montessori education, most Montessori schools operate independently, doing their best to share Montessori methods with their clients.
Q: Are Montessori programs religious schools? A: Dr. Montessori had great respect for cultures and beliefs of people worldwide. She advocated strongly for children to be taught respect for all people of the world and to recognize the fundamental human values and human needsthat we all share. We have students of many cultures and many religious backgrounds in a Montessori school. We do not teach a religious doctrine of any kind, but rather foster a sense of wonder and appreciation for the world around us and a sense of connection to other people, wherever they live or however they worship.
Q:What if my child speaks very little or no English? Will my child learn at your school? A: The answer is an enthusiastic yes! We often have children joining our class who speak another language at home. In Montessori, children learn by doing, rather than listening to the teacher give long verbal explanations. This is very different from a standard classroom and one reason why young children around the world thrive in Montessori environments. Your child can start learning many new and interesting things from the first day in class.
With regular and consistent attendance, your child will also become an English speaker in our classrooms. Children have a natural ability to learn language; it is much easier for them than it is for adults. The Montessori approach is very individualized and gives each child many opportunities to interact one-on-one with other students, and with the teachers. This is much more helpful for acquiring English skills than large group activities where conversation is discouraged. Young students in our classes learn English easily and with joy.
Our teachers have a lot of experience helping students with English, and our students are ready to help each other as well. We have had students come to us speaking languages from a wide variety of nations. We look forward to helping your child learn English and enjoy the many benefits of being truly bi-lingual.
Q: Where can I purchase some of the Montessori materials that I see in your classrooms? A: There are many websites where you can order Montessori materials and activities, but we love, because our school receives credit towards materials every time our parents make a purchase!
Q: Can I enroll my child at any time of year? A: Yes! Providing we have a spot open for your child, you may begin your child's enrollment at any time of the year! No need to wait until September.
Q: Do you have a part-time program? A: We have half days and "School Days" available for all of our students through the Kindergarten year. We also have morning and afternoon daycare hours from 7am to 6pm. There are other part-time options available especially for younger children as well. Please visit our Schedules and Tuition pages for more information!
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!