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Toddler Room Daily Classroom Schedule
7:30-9:00am Arrival of the children; free choice and Montessori work* time
9:00-9:15 Morning group time; we all come together, We talk about the topic of the week. Sing along and read books.
9:15-10:00 More Montessori work* time, where children can choose work and get individual lessons.
10:00-10:15 Morning snack
10:15-11:00 Outside playtime.
11:00-11:30 We come back inside and continue with Montessori work. Changing diapers.
11:30-12:00pm Lunch time; children bring lunches from home, or parents can choose to use Watson's lunch program. (Menus available at the school.)
12:30-1:00pm Children prepare for nap time; read nap time stories.
1:00-3:00 Nap time; changing of diapers.
3:00-3:30 Children continue to get Montessori lessons. Afternoon snack. (Fridays: FUNdamentals of Music and Movement).
3:30-4:00 Inside play and activities.
4:00-4:30 Optional day care extension.

Primary Daily Classroom Schedule
7:30-8:30am Before School Care Children play in the daycare room. Around 8am, we go outside to play before class starts. (Class begins promptly at 8:30; please bring your children early enough to begin on time.)
8:30-8:45 Morning Group We all come together and say our kindness pledge, sing our good morning song, do the calendar and discuss our sound of the week (chosen phonetic sound).
8:45-11:00 Montessori Work* Time Children can choose work and get individual lessons. This is a time for a unique cycle of learning, designed to take advantage of the child's sensitive years between ages 3 and 6, a time when the child can absorb information from an enriched environment. (Children may eat morning snack during this period).
11:00-11:30 Circle Time Children come together in a group and do sharing, dancing, stories, songs, and enjoy lots of fun activities as a group.
11:30-12:00pm Lunch Time Children bring lunches from home.
12:00-12:50 Outside Play Time Children clean up their lunches and go outside to play with their friends. This is also the time when half-day children get picked up by their families.
12:50-1:00 Clean-up Time Children work together to clean up their outside environment.
1:00-3:00 Nap Time Children lie down and rest their bodies while the teacher reads a story to them.
1:00-2:00 (older children) Montessori Work Time Older children write in their journals and continue to get Montessori lessons.
2:00-2:30 (older children) Older children rest with a book on cots.
2:30-3:00 (older children) Older children get a quiet work, lessons with Montessori teachers while younger students nap.
3:00-3:30 Wake Up Time Napping children begin to wake up (Afternoon snack available)
3:30-5:00 After School Care Children go into the daycare room and play with toys, do art projects, and play outside. This is also time for families to pick up their children.

* The Children's Montessori activities are always referred to as "work." This is because exploring and learning are truly the work of the child. Contrary to an adult concept of "work" as drudgery and tiresome activities, the Montessori child chooses those activities which appeal to his/her internal needs. Thus, Montessori work is a joy and a help to the child. She/he completes his/her work refreshed and relaxed, with a sense of accomplishment.

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